RENOM has established a highly sophisticated Electronics Repair Station at Wagholi, Pune with Electro static sensitive (ESD) device protection system where highly skilled and trained engineers Inspect, evaluate, repair, calibrate and test complex PCB’s of all wind turbines models.
The Facility has been recently upgraded to include SRB and controller repairs as well.
RENOM is one of the first company or infact the only company that has an In-house PCB and SRB repair facility as an ISP giving comprehensive O&M services to the WTGs in India . This facility is located at Wagholi, about 15kms from where the head office is located at Pune. The facility works 24×7 with a turn around time of 4 days for each PCB repair. So far about more than 1500 PCBs have been successfully repaired at this facility .
PCB Repairs
Display Controllers
Display I/O.
Digital In /out Board.
Pitch Controllers.
Pitch Power cards
Chopper Boards.
Inverter Control board.
IGBT Driving boards.
Rectifier Controllers,
Yaw Controllers.
Capacitor / Battery Bank Charging Boards.
Design - Test Jigs
Display Controllers
Display I/O.
Digital In /out Board.
Pitch Controllers.
Pitch Power cards
Chopper Boards.
Inverter Control board.
IGBT Driving boards.
Rectifier Controllers,
Yaw Controllers.
Capacitor / Battery Bank Charging Boards.
Prototype testing
PCB Gerber Validation.
Schematic diagram
Testing of Protos through
Test System.
Circuit Development on bread board Assembly of PCB’s